Home Forums Acupuncture TMJ, tinnitus

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    Won Chung

    Is here any effective points for TMJ pain, dysfunction and related tinnitus?
    I usually do Dai Mai EOM, GB M/W and ear points. But was wondering if there were more effective points.


    Allison Bailey

    HI! TW15 region is a big release area for TMJ pain. You can needle St 6 directly for the masseter. You also want to make sure you release any findings in the neck in general (for example, SCM, atlas reflex, BL60 for occipital pain, LV1 if more right C3 area, etc). Great to think of EOV’s since tinnitus can be complicated, chronic and difficult to treat. Also, GB 23 on the lateral line is an “ear point” and GB 38 against the flow may both help for tinnitus. Just a couple additional thoughts.

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