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    Are there any points to be avoided when treating someone in the first trimester of pregnancy?


    Allison Bailey

    Hi! Great question. In general the following are considered the “forbidden” points in pregnancy: SP6, LI4, BL60, BL67, GB21, LU7, Points in the lower abdomen (eg, CV3–CV7) and sacral region (eg, BL27–34). If you want to look ahead to my lecture on this topic, it is in model 21. I do discuss that there is a lot of mysticism and not a lot of data to support that these points are absolutely forbidden in pregnancy, but not a bad idea to avoid early on.


    Won Chung

    Are there specific points that are beneficial for pregnancy? Especially for heartburn and nausea.
    Also, what position do you place the patient for dorsal points (when they are showing)?Thank you


    Allison Bailey

    Nausea in pregnancy tends to be less responsive to the famous PC6 point than other forms of nausea. To address both nausea and reflux/heartburn in pregnancy we think about the Stomach Qi treatment, often combined with Kiiko’s “pancreatic abdomen” treatment which includes Kidney (KD6, 27), Spleen (Sp 5 and 9 or Sp 3.2 and 9), plus the sphincter of Oddi point. After releasing with the above, treat the Stomach Qi line and can add St 21 bilaterally. Can also add direct treatment to KD 16.
    In pregnancy we usually treat the dorsal zone with the patient in side lying.

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