Continuing Education Options

acupuncture continuing education options

Continuing Education Options

Skills Advancement Workshops

All of our Skills workshops are open to graduates of the program. Some of these are excellent in a remote format, such as Facial Diagnosis. Others require live participation (Battlefield Acupuncture). Join us for the Refresh Weekend and add a Skills Workshop or visit the New Hampshire area for vacation and join us for a Skills Workshop one evening!

Fascial Node Trigger Point Needling Workshop

Formerly a Skills Advancement Workshop as part of the basic course, Fascial Node Trigger Point Needling is now its own stand-alone workshop. This workshop consists of online lectures followed by live hands-on practice.

Refresh Weekends

The live refresh weekends are held the same weekend as the skills advancement workshops. These weekends are perfect for the student needing a review or more practice in basic palpation-based techniques. The two webinar weekends are live-streamed reviews of beginning palpation-based acupuncture. Webinar weekend one reviews Oketsu, Immune, Adrenal, Stomach Qi, and Shao Yang. Webinar two reviews the back, Shen disturbance, and Extraordinary vessels. The live refresh weekends take place in Nashua, New Hampshire and include demonstrations, technique-based workshops, and live hands-on practice. Sign up for one or a bundle to save! These weekends are typically not for CME credit, but CMEs may be available if needed.

Streamed Webinar Sessions

  • November 9-10, 2024
  • January 25-26, 2025

Live Weekend Sessions

  • April 24-27, 2025
  • June 5-8, 2025

TA in Training Program

Are you interested in becoming a Teaching Assistant (TA) in the course? Consider our TA in training program! Attend a refresh weekend to become a TA in-training. This is a great and cost-effective way to stay up-to-date and advance your acupuncture skills. We now offer a step-wise path to becoming a TA. 

Advanced Course

Kiiko-Style AcuMed Advanced Course - Online Learning

The first Acumed Kiiko-Style Online Advanced Course for physician acupuncturists will feature two online learning modules with 16 hours of recorded and annotated material with the opportunity to learn directly from watching Kiiko treat a variety of complex patients and lecture on advanced Kidney, Tan Tien, Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC), cervical, and blood pressure treatments. The advanced treatments featured have become essential to Kiiko in dealing with chronic patients in the clinic. Addressing the kidneys and the Tan Tien provides a way to treat the root and foundation of health from an acupuncture perspective. The DLPFC treatments build on this concept and integrate ancient Chinese wisdom with modern medical research to open powerful treatments for emotional trauma and chronic pain by direct stimulation of a brain region that atrophies with trauma and chronic pain. Quizzes are provided to track your learning. Students will have access to the course material for one year. 16 CMEs provided. 

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