Home Forums Acupuncture Tianfu point location clarification


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    In the lung meridian lecture and video, the Tianfu point is said to be located at the level of the axillary crease. In the app and in the Foundations of Chinese Medicine book it is located 3 cun below the axillary crease. Which one is it?


    Allison Bailey

    Hi! Unfortunately I’m having internet problems so I can’t view the videos right now, but I’m guessing Dr. Audette misspoke. The point LU3 (Tianfu) is located 3 cun below the axillary crease. However, we really don’t use this point at all (probably how he misspoke) in our system of acupuncture. Hence it is not on the list of need to know points.


    Thanks Allison.
    In the video, he says that LU4 is 1 cun below LU3, so I wanted to know the correct location for LU3.
    I think his location on the video for LU4 is 2 cun short.


    Allison Bailey

    Ah ha! Possibly. This is probably because we have a different method of finding LU4 in our system so pretty much never measure it out. With the patient’s head facing straight ahead (don’t let them turn), bring their biceps to their nose and that is LU4. But, I agree it is good to know where LU4 is supposed to be from a TCM perspective.

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