Home Forums Acupuncture Slides for April weekend??

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    John Messmer

    I was planning to open and download the files for next weekend. Some topics have a “Download” button for slides but nothing downloads. Dr. Nieves Moxa and Tiger Warmer slides are labelled 2018-2019 which might mean the lecture has not changed, but is that the case?

    Are topics just place markers or will there be slides to download? Or will there be handouts at the session?



    Allison Bailey

    Hey John,

    the Tiger Warmer video on the website is from 2018-19(consider this a sneek peek but you will get Ana in person) but the updated slides for 2024 are there. You may have to clear your cache. Many of the sessions are practical hands on workshops and may not have slides. I just double checked and everything I have slides for is posted on the website. I even posted a version with 4 slides per page for those who want to print a paper version to bring with them. Again, clear your cache for these because I just added those.

    In terms of handouts at the sessions, I will have a copy of our clinical strategies handout for everyone and one copy of the auricular handout (points). Otherwise fairly limited….see you soon!

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