Home Forums Acupuncture Luo and Divergent Channels

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    Hi Allison,
    I have 2 questions:
    1. When needling Luo points to treat a disturbance in the Luo longitudinal channels, do we always angle the needle against the flow for excess conditions and with the flow for deficient conditions? This is mentioned in the Liver luo part of the lecture on Sinew and Luo channels Part 1, module 15.
    2. In part 2 of these lectures, Slide 9 on the SP D/M section, it is mentioned that heat in the spleen causes rebellious Qi. What symptoms are associated with this rebellious Qi in the Spleen. Is it the same as the ST rebellious Qi (Montezuma’s revenge)?


    Allison Bailey

    1. Yes, for excess conditions needle against the flow in Luo longitudinal channels
    2. Spleen Qi when in balance ascends (or rises) to the Lungs. St Qi when balanced descends, bringing food down to digest. So, with rebellious Spleen heat, you get IBS like symptoms with diarrhea. With rebellious ST Qi you get reflux or, yes, vomiting.

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