Home Forums Acupuncture GV 25 and 26 when a person is about to faint


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    In the lectures on Governing vessel I am looking for clarification about GV25 and GV26. In he first lecture with the slides you said that GV26 could be needled to restore consciousness in someone about to faint. But then in the demo you said the point for that was GV25. I am wondering is this true for both points or is one a better choice?

    Also, in the lab by the urgent care where I work people are always passing out due to vasovagal response to a blood draw. I am wondering if you have ever seen anyone use acupressure at these points to help in that situation.

    Thank you!


    Allison Bailey

    Sorry for the confusion! Yes, either one can work well for this indication. You can choose one and if it doesn’t work quickly, apply the second.

    I’m not sure about acupressure helping for this. It is supposed to be pretty uncomfortable and a finger may not be enough. Maybe if you use your fingernail strongly. Dr. Audette says just have a few acupuncture needles always in your pocket for this, just in case!

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